-for an Australian Labradoodle puppy
#1 Apply
Fill out an adoption application. This process helps us get to know your desires and gauge your interest. The application is the first step in this process! The sooner you do this the better. Sometimes reservations for a ALD puppy can be a few months out, so don’t put this off.
#2 Match
Upon receiving your adoption application, we will set up a phone call and help you choose a litter that matches up with your desires, availability, timing, size, coloring etc.
#3 Secure
We send you a contract and invoice for a deposit. Once we receive your signed contract and your deposit* of $300, your name is secured on the reservation list for the litter you chose.
*non-refundable, but fully transferable to any litter list
#4 Pick
When the ALD puppy turns 6 weeks of age, this is when your puppy selection is made. Each litter has a list of families in the order of reservation, or “Pick”. Beginning with pick #1, each family will have an allotted time to choose their ALD puppy from the litter. (After pick #1 choses their puppy then Pick 2 arrives and makes their choice from the remaining ALD puppies etc.)
#5 Home sweet home
It’s that time!! At 8 weeks old your Australian Labradoodle puppy is ready to transition to his/her forever home. Through this eight week process, we will have been communicating with you via email, pictures and videos, and keeping you updated on their growth, socialization and development.
You will have been made aware of your litter’s ‘Going Home’ date and time (usually a weekend). Pick up, delivery or shipping will happen at this time and any arrangements will have been made well in advance.
Ready to join the Crossfield Doodles family?